We thought the car ride down would be terrible based on the fact that we were literally loaded to the ceiling but the kids did awesome and we made it down with one nursing stop. Totally worth it too because we saw a 400 lb man in Mcdonalds wearing a giant shirt with tigers all over it and Pat whispered to me, "Excuse me sir, can I buy that magnificient shirt off of your back please?". So great.

We arrived, got settled and proceeded to live the beach life for the next 5 days.
Uncle Will introduced Fin to a Despicable Me game so basically he's the coolest uncle ever.

The first day was rainy so we went to the aquarium which was a huge hit. Next year we are def splitting up though b/c Pat and Fin literally like to examine every.single.fish. and Cole and I like to take the aquarium in at a running pace.

Coley climbing a giant frog. A two year olds dream...or nightmare.

Some favs from the beach were...
Pops' hotdogs

Icecream out with Kier.

Hanging with these loveys. Sarah gave us a test one night on how we think certain words are pronounced and it was hysterical. More specifically, Pat's answers were hysterical. How do you think Seamus is pronounced??

Baby lady with a beach romper on...doesn't get any cuter! She had sand in every roll this week. Doubled her bathtime :o)

Pat and I ate dinner at a waterfront restaurant one night which was just incredible.So relaxing and beautiful and every year we leave vowing we will live on the water one day.

With marathon sessions on the beach come sleepy boys at naptime. One of those boys was even 14 years old :o)

This year we found that minnows are the new crabby. This means while all other years Pat and Fin have obsessively tried to catch crabs, this year they were all about scooping the minnows. Pat even lost a bet to Will and ATE A LIVE FISH. Nastiness. This is what happens when I leave those boys down on the beach by themselves. I can trust the four year old. The 28 year old...not so much.

Fin's first catch.

View at lunch time.

Lilah and Kate got some good bonding time in. They solved world problems all from their bouncy seats and with limited neck control :o)

Loved this view every morning.

Lilah on July 4th. She was an ANGEL baby all week. Still so grateful for her easy going and sweet nature.

When my cousins' kids arrived, Fin was in heaven. He talks about playing with them all year long. Here they're playing, "steal the hat from each other".

We celebrated Kiers birthday with s'more brownies.

Pops' holding court with his infamous match trick. I'm 28 years old and I STILL can't figure it out. Pat knows, but he won't tell me.

Is there anything cuter then this? A giant hole at the beach was a big hit with the boys this year. Lots of jumping in a hole. Really, it's as exciting as it sounds...

Muscles McGee

Sunglasses club.

Love them so much.

Cole was still recovering from staying up late for fireworks the night before. He crawled up into Nanny's lap and snuggled in. I cherish this picture.

I was so SO grateful this year to have sweet time with my little and extended families. We needed this week to step away from Pat's crazy work and just be still and rest as a family. Counting down the days until next year...
I want to be a Keegan. AND...I feel like I probably left this same comment on your blog last year. Looks like such a fun trip!