Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Typical Night

I start whipping up Matzo Ball Soup for dinner while talking to Pat about his day and answering Fin's 1094 questions and WHY is Cole hanging on my leg asking for "eggies...Pulleeaase" right when I need to get around the kitchen. Not suprisingly considering the distractions, I add egg to the wrong mixture and have to scratch the whole meal. Deep Breathe. Things are going downhill fast, everyone's hungry. BLTS, Eggies or Peanut Butter Sandwhiches for dinner, take your pick.
   We sit around the table and laugh at Cole's 180 degree mood now that he has food in his belly. He shovels watermelon and eggs in as fast as his little fork can pick it up. Such a man. Fin sits half on, half off his chair as usual while I remind him at least 6 times to sit with both feet forward b/c he's not going to rush off anywhere and OMG when did I start sounding like such a mom.
    Boys all go wrestle while I clean up dinner. I prefer it that way because when Pat cleans up, he blasts Pandora and my brain feels frazzled and can't think think with that much noise in the background at the end of the day. Screams of happiness and "Daddy's leg accidentally whacked me in the weiner" wails are intermixed as I load up the dishwasher and I swear I wish sometimes could ask God, "WHERE do all the sippy cups go??".
     Bath time, with Cole dancing around the bathroom naked while the bubbles are added. Boys in the tub. Fin hops out covered in bubbles to pee, his nightly bathtime ritual. Cole hops out after him because if Fin needs to, he needs to. Jammies with socks because it's cold tonight, water cups, Yes you may watch a little Kung Fu Panda to wind down. WHY are you somersaulting off the sofa when it's almost bedtime. We.Are.Winding.Down.
     Cole in his crib. Cole, if you throw everything out of your crib like last night, you will get a spanking tonight. Cheeky grin is my reply. 50% chance everything will be on the floor in 5 minutes and he'll be wailing for "Cuppy water and Blank Blankkkkk". Fin in bed with a spiderman story. Yes, you may read one ninja turtle book to yourself. No, not to me. Yes, I do love ninja turtles but we are done with the day. Sweet soapy smelling kisses. Closed doors with little voices yelling, "Goodnight! Goodnight! One more hug and kiss?".
*Sigh* Grateful for the days end but already yearning to see them tomorrow. Please, let it not be before 6am.

1 comment:

  1. This post is hilarious. I need to write one of my own, although I felt a little exhuasted reading yours.
    -Jen Thompson
