Sunday, September 16, 2012

Odds and Ends

We had a great last week. The weather was so beautiful that we were at the park by 9am everyday. Also, Aunty Netty is in town from England which is such a treat for us so we've been getting in visits with her throughout the week as she's here. Cole calls hers "Aunty Nanny" which is pretty cute..

Every week I get to watch Fin and Cole grow as brothers and it is such a blessing to me. They play more, cuddle more, look for each other more when playing, and of course squabble a little more. Fights usually involve Cole taking a toy from Fin, Fin yelling to me, "Mooooooom, Cole took my Lego", Cole running out of Fin's room looking horribly angry and distressed, throwing himself on the couch, crying a few feeble fake cries and then popping up with a huge smile and saying, "Mama, all done cryin'!". He has got his act down and he is a pro :o)

With the weather being so nice, we've been playing outside after naps more with neighbor friends. Love this pic of the kids surrounding Zoey. Please note cowboy Fin.

Fin attempted to pull Zeke, Annie and Cole in the wagon and it was going well until his feet slipped out from under him. It cracked me up how he landed.

Thursday night we met some of my family for dinner at Tijuana Flats and then Aunt Sarah walked down with us to the Pet Store which the boys loooove. Anytime I go in there I have to instruct all parties, Pat included, that we are NOT leaving with a puppy. I need that like I need a hole in the head.
Cutest thing in the world was Sarah and Cole realized if they bobbed and danced that a little bird would copy them and do the same. I kid you not, Cole teared up at one point with wonderment. It was so funny.

I always love walking behind Pat and Cole holding hands. The height difference kills me.

Friday night, Pat and I built a fire on the deck. While we were chilling and waiting for some friends to come over, I went and got Fin out of his bed and told him to come see what we made. He was sooooo excited. 

Fin, our resident talker, always asks us to "tell me a story of when you were little". Pat and I took turns telling  him stories while he just sat there like this, staring into the fire and processing. What's so funny is sometimes after we tell him our story, he will then tell us a story of when he was was a little boy and it will be the exact story that we just told him, only it happened to him :o) He's nothing if not original...

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