Sunday, September 16, 2012


I'm sad I haven't done a post in a while of the funny things the boys say. I know those posts are no interest to anyone but me, but I want to capture some of what they say right now b/c seriously, they crack me up on a daily basis.
-One day we were at the museum looking at dinosaurs and Fin looked up at me and said," Mom, you know how I love you so much that my heart feels like it's going to explode? Well....that's how much I have to pee right now". Thanks Fin, appreciate the sentiment.
-I'm realizing the more Cole is talking that there are certain phrases I say to him a lot that I wasn't even aware of. Such as in the mornings, Pat will take Cole from his crib and put him in bed with me in my comatose state. Cole will immediately start softly patting me and say," Have good seepies?". Lol, I hadn't even realized I said that to him everytime he got up until he started saying it to me. Also, everytime I pick him up from the Y nursery after working out, he runs up to me and says, "Have a lot of fun?", which I always reply, "I did, did YOU have a lot of fun?". He literally then bellows, "BYE" to all of his teachers and runs for the door. Homeboy doesn't mess around.
-Fin and I were cuddling on the couch when he patted my face and said, "Mom you're as beautiful as a dolphin". Um, that is not a compliment. I thanked him and asked him what that meant. Fin vlooked at me like I was special needs and said, "Mom...It means you're face looks like a dolphin". Oh, ok, I feel much better now.
-The boys are both very into the baby lately, each in their own way. Fin swears he is a horrible baby namer because he thinks of names like, "Honky and Donky and....door". I assured him he is in fact a terrible baby namer and not to worry, he won't have any hand in naming this one. He calls himself, Cole and the new baby the "Three stooges" which I think is cute, and also makes me a little nervous for what's ahead.
Cole continues to call my stomach baby Will and when he was wrestling with Aunt Cait this week, he pulled up her shirt, pointed to her flat stomach and exclaimed, "A BABY!!". Cait is like a size negative zero so I had to smirk over that one.
- Cole's favorite expression is "Wait a minute!" or "What a second!" which sounds pretty darn cute in his little baby voice.
-Fin started Awanas last week and we've been working on his memory verse all this week. It's "God loved us and sent His son, (1 John 4:10)". He's got it down pat now so when I asked him to say his verse a few days ago he looked at me and said, "God loved us and sent His son (1 POPS 4:10)....Mom do you know why I said Pops?? It's because Pops' real name is John...hahaha". My little smart aleck better hope his Awanas teacher has a sense of humor.

One thing is abundantly clear to children are TALKERS. Strangers even comment on how well they talk to which I usually wearily reply, "Yes, they are pretty good at it". Sometimes at the end of the day I feel like my ears are ringing from the constant flow of chatter. I love it but I also sometimes love bedtime too when they are safe in their bed/crib and I can walk out of their rooms and close the they are still chattering away.

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