Uncle will's out of school and we have great plans for him for the summer. They may or may not include holding babies and chasing small boys around the playground.

We hit up good ol' KF for pops' birthday party. Where it all began... It is seriously comical to see old pool members faces when they see Pat and I again and we have our three small ones in tow.

We were at veterans park one morning and the boys channeled their inner Spider-Man's on the exercise equipment.

Miracle=both of them smiling in the same direction.

Cole felt the need to drop his trousers in nature and pee in a public pond. I had to feign shock but really I was relieved I didn't have to hike him back to the bathrooms. Just keepin' it real.

Pat, Sarah and I have decided to become foodies this summer. This may not go hand and hand with my other goal of toning up postpartum. O well, at least it's an achievable goal :)

The boys with their baby. They still adore her, and she is still the easiest little lovey. Time please freeze.

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