-works a minimum 12 hours everyday, comes home, throws down his stuff and can start a wrestling match with the boys within 5 seconds.
- plays "good cop" to my "bad cop" routine of corralling the kids into bed by sneaking them out of the back door to catch fireflies in a jar.
- most days takes one of the boys swimming at the pool when he goes to do his exercises at 6:30 am...and buys him a kids hot chocolate on the way home.
- sings and softly howls like a wolf to get his little girl to coo and smile at him.
- loves and cares for his family by working a difficult and wearisome job without complaining...day after day.
-takes it upon himself to teach his kids important things to be a well rounded person, like "guess what...chicken butt" jokes.
-often climbs into bed with the boys to tell them stories of when he was a little boy and would ride his bike to the pool.
-loves nothing more then to watch sports in his recliner with a sleeping babe on his chest.
-shows his boys by example how to treat and love a woman, and shows his girl how she should expect to be treated.
-gets fin up an hour after bedtime just to walk to the store with him to buy Apple Jacks cereal for the morning.
-takes the boys on random "man dates" so that Lilah and I can enjoy some peace and quiet.
-makes his two month old baby girl do hilarious booty dances and shimmies to the radio just because it looks so funny.
-cleans the babes in the tub way better then ever could.
-has a dance party with the kids to James Brown and the Black Keys every time he does the dishes.
This guy is the father to our children. And not a day goes by that I don't thank God for that.
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