This past week not withstanding, Cole is such a pure joy in our family. This past week was very very challenging with Cole being sick with the flu, doing breathing treatments, and dealing with high fevers, no sleep and relentless crying day after day. But we all survived it and he's is getting some of his old self back and starting to sleep again (thank you Lord)!

Cole loves all things puzzles, baby Einstein, every animal at the pet store, and shutting Fin in a closet. It's this new game they have where Cole closes Fin in a closet and takes off running while Fin bursts out of the closet and chases after him. Fin then tackles him to the ground and drags him by his feet for awhile until Cole closes him in a closet again. They both hysterically laugh through this. As you can imagine, this was a game invented and approved while daddy was watching them :)
Cole is my "passion" man with strong opinions but 99% of the time he is playing and loving hard and my happy boy. He loves to say "1,2,3" to Pat and I and then grin while he waits for us to smother him with kisses on both sides of his cheeks. At meal times, he will randomly throw his head back and yell "necky necky" and one of us will have to reach over and tickle his neck. The boy loves to be loved :)
Cole fluctuates between being a total mamas boy or a mamas boy who adores his daddy. He loves to climb up a rung on fins bunk bed ladder and holler to me "I go to the top?" Because he knows its forbidden unless I'm in the room with him. He is sensitive to loud noises and if someone's loud, even if it is a happy loud, he will come to me with a sour face and say, "that scares me".
The thing that kills me is Cole will go up to people all the time, grin, and say, "hi, my name is Toley" and if people ignore him, it is soooo sad. Most people say hi back and love it, but occasionally we will run into a grumpy old man (I'm talking to you, man in the chiropractors waiting room) who will Refuse to respond, even if Cole repeats himself. It's take all of me not to launch myself onto those people's back and yell, "Answer him!!!". Hormones, Rebecca, hormones.
I'm enjoying my love bug as my youngest for these last few weeks and am so grateful for the gift he is to me, Pat and Fin.