Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fins first dentist visit

Last week was Fin's first visit to the dentist. Of course we took him to my dentist growing up, Dr.Dan. I love that office so so much. Just as Fin and I were sitting in the waiting room, every dental hygienist came out one by one to give me a hug and meet Fin. Other patients must have thought it was a big lovefest :)
When we got called back, Fins' face froze and he looked so scared. I grabbed his hand though and told him he got to pick out a new toothbrush and that Cole would think that was so cool, and that helped a little :) His dental hygienist, who had been mine, was so sweet to him and he was so still as they cleaned his teeth and did X-rays.

They whole time I was thinking, "please don't tell me he has 8 cavities". Because let's be honest, at this age if they have a cavity, it totally on the parent bc what four year old can brush their teeth perfectly? Thankfully he's cavity free.
Dr. Dan came at the end to do the final check and he was SO tickled we were there. I may have teared up, it was so good to see him. Love that man. We left with many o' prize, stickers, and promises to bring the baby into the office after she comes so everyone can hold her :)
Since his teeth were so clean, we stopped by Bo's on the way home to ruin that :) Any kid that can survive his first trip to the dentist with no tears deserves a reward in my book!


  1. It's understandable how Fin froze up at having his name called. Even some adults are still scared at the idea of going to the dentist. It sounds like he sat there like a champ though. I'm pretty sure that having the family dentist check Fin out helped in making the experience more comfortable for him.Dr. Tom Seal

  2. Way to go, Fin! He’s really come into his own, hasn’t he? He’s showing great courage for someone his age. Other kids I know of would’ve already been in tears even before they stepped inside the dental clinic. I know, I was one of those kids too. Hahahaha! I think it’s a good thing that you have the family dentist check up on Fin’s teeth. At least you know from personal experience that Dr. Dan can be trusted with Fin’s oral health as your parents entrusted yours to him.

    Jody Howell @ HoustonSmileDocs
