Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pregnancy brain

This third go around of pregnancy I have had the worst case of pregnancy brain. To you naysayers who are either childless or men, this condition is real and makes you feel like you're losing your mind. Allow some examples...

Item 1) For Christmas, pat received cigars from my parents in our stocking. I knew it would be one of his favorite gifts and that they were small enough to get easily lost, so I stuck them in a safe place immediately. Cue me later that evening unpacking our laundry basket of presents from my family and not finding the cigars anywhere. I was soooo confused because I had a specific memory of putting them in the laundry basket right away. I called my mom, no cigars had turned up. Pat was a good sport but was bummed. A week later I look in my purse for Chapstick and what do I find...the cigars...that I had stuck in my purse for safekeeping on Christmas Day. Merry Christmas pat.

Item 2) At Target yesterday, Cole was playing with 2 matchbox cars while riding in the cart. He kept throwing one down and looking at me impishly so after a warning, I took the car and stuck it in my pocket telling him it was in time out. Not five minutes later as we are leaving, I got him out of the cart and went to gather his 2 cars but could only find one. We looked all around us and I even retraced my steps back to the register to see if it had fallen out there. The whole time Cole is going "my car, my caaaaaar". No luck. 3 hours later as I'm changing I find the car in my pocket...still in timeout.

Item 3) The worst example I have is so bad I hope my dad doesn't read this bc he would die. At church one week, after a 2 hour service, I brought the boys to the car to strap them in and heard an engine running. Thinking to myself, "crap, somebody left their car on!", I quickly realized it was MY car. That I had left running in a parking lot for 2 plus hours. Praise The Lord we had had to take 2 cars to church that day so Pat was in his truck and didn't know, although I did try to casually drop it in a convo a week later. No beans.

There are many, maaaany more examples but suffice to say that my husband is a patient man, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills most days, and thank goodness I haven't left a child yet...knockonwood.

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