Monday, September 23, 2013

Coley Bear is 3!

Our sweet bear turned three this week. But not without closing out being 2 with a bang!
Monday night we heard Cole crying in his room and found him face down on the floor. One look at his arm and we KNEW that bad boy was broken. He told us he fell off his little toddler stool that's like 3 inches from the ground. Such a bizarre fall that resulted in 2 broken bones in the forearm of his right arm.
Poor babe at the hospital. He was SUCH a trooper. When we left after all those horrible tests, he looked at me and said, "Did we have a fun times at the doctors?". Poor buddy. Always looking for the party.

Sleep deprived and still on some pain meds. If you want to see something funny, put a toddler on morphine. Holy cow, he was saying some funny things to us. We were dying laughing.

He went from a growling bear because of the pain he was in to bouncing back to his chipper, living out loud, funny self. Yes, thats a turkey on his head.

Yes those are Pat's glasses on his face. Its totally normal for him to put Pat's glasses on when he gets up in the morning and walk around the house like it's no big deal. The thing is is Pat's blind as a bat so I wonder how he can even walk around and see with those glasses on.

Cole said for his birthday that he wanted a "bananaaaah" Party which means a minion from Despicable Me party. Noooot easy to find these things but we pulled it together to decorate the house and he was thrilled. He woke up and said, "Am I three now???" and then ran to Lilah's crib and said, "'s a minion birthday time".

After cinnamon rolls for breakfast and dropping Fin off at preschool, we hit up the Y where Cole can now go in the game room because he's three. This is like...the dream of his life. He's like a crazy bird let out of it's cage when he gets in this room. Running around the room, saying hi to everyone, it's so funny. After the Y, I took Coley to a special one on one lunch to Chickfila. We let Lilah tag along.

That night most of my family gathered at Anna's Pizzeria. Cole was thrilled to death to have most of his favorite people in one room. He was so excited and Nanny made the most amazing minion cake. Seriously Nanny, you're hired for all future cake making...whether you like it or not :o)

After cake and family time walking around on Salem Street, we headed home with Uncle Will and Sarah to hit the pinata. Because nothing says "wind down for bed" like hitting the heck out of something with a baseball bat.

Of course we had to put the minion feet on Lilah. Clearly she thought it was hilarious.

I mean, I just could not love this boy anymore. He is chock full of SO much personality. Since he got his terrible twos out of the way at 18 months, we have found this past year to be delightful. EVERYONE is this guys friend. He runs into rooms, restaurants, stores and yells, "Hi guys! Whatre we doing?". He is almost always bouncing around happy but if his blood sugar gets low, you better duck and grab the closest Snickers bar b/c homeboy can growl. He loves Baby Einstein, Mickey Mouse, walks to the stop sign every evening to say hi to the moon, wearing socks, his three blankies, blowing bubbles, riding in the gator next to Fin, taking tubby's, going to Nanny's house and so much more. My favorite story of him the past year is my parents took him to Camp Willow Run to visit my sisters. The whole camp was singing, 'Holy, Holy, Holy' and when the song ended, Cole was the only one who kept singing and they realized he was singing, 'Toley, Toley, Toley'. He thought the whole song was about him and that everyone was singing his name :o)
Cole, may you always feel and assume love from everyone, even strangers. You have the gift of quirk and friendliness and your dad and I pray God uses that to draw people to Him. We love you with the fullest hearts.

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