There's going to be a time soon, when all of these everyday quirks that seem routine right now are going to be something that I don't even remember without a prompt. In my always healthy way of clinging to the moment, I want to record some of those little things that I can look back on when I'm not in this season of babyhood and remember with a glad heart.
Like the way that the boys are only allowed in the trunk of my car when I'm nursing Lilah. So whenever we are on the go and she's hungry, I'll park and let them unbuckle and climb into the trunk to play while I cram Lilah and I into the front seat and I feed her while she kicks the steering wheel repeatedly.
Or the way that everytime we approach a stoplight, Cole says, "Red means stop and green means go and yellow means SLOW DOWN!".

Or how every morning I'll grab Lilah and whisper to Fin to come hide in my bed and snuggle until Cole finds us. So we lie with Lilah in between us and take turns kissing her soft cheeks until Cole tears himself away from Mickey Mouse to yell "HEY! Where are you guys?". Then we pull the covers over us and try to be as still as possible until Cole yanks the covers back with his big toothy grin peering in.
And how we like to pop into Pats office to surprise him with a treat and I tell the boys to tiptoe like mice so he won't hear us coming. But inevitably someone drops the drink we're bringing him, or a hand gets shut in the door so Pat and all of his office mates are more than aware that the Stephensons have arrived.
I love how when I'm getting my dietvanillacokethankyouverymuch at Sonic that Cole will yell from the back seat "AND RASPBERRY TEA" so loud that it always confuses the person taking my order when I have to say no we actually are not getting that. He gets a warning everytime and everytime he does it. At least he's consistant.
And It may frustrate the heck of my right now that everytime I'm having a serious conversation with Fin and correcting him that he starts dancing his way around me. Like literally Michael Jackson dancing as he looks at me with a totally straight face as if he's soaking in every word. Have you ever had to spank someone for dancing in defiance? Well I never thought I would have to either. But I know I'll miss those parental quandaries.

And soon my sweet Lilah will be toddling around and pulling up on things but right now I love that anytime I call her name she will start kicking her legs furiously and craning her whole body around to see where I am in the room. And if she lives to see the age of 1 it is by Gods mercy because today I caught Cole mid-hammer before he started giving her a check up with a wooden mallet.
And in those Oh-emm-gee moments in the car when I'm driving in traffic and Fin is asking me repeatedly to look at a trick he is doing in the back seat and Cole is telling me that Fin is leaning on his carseat and Lilah doing her happy shriek that sounds like a dozen witches being boiled in a vat of oil, I know that all too soon I'll be driving in silence in my clean-ish car one day and missing those distractions and frustrations.
Because in this chaos there is so much joy. And hilarity and head banging. And letting Fin stay up late to tell me about his day while he sits cross legged on the table dipping his banana into the brownie batter I'm making is one of the many mundanes right now that I want to remember later.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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