Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Moving on up

We finally bit the bullet. After one month of going, "eh, let's do it next weekend", we moved Cole to his big boy bunk bed in Fin's room. This is was a huge deal to me because if I believe in nothing else as a parent, I believe in containment :) But seriously, Cole was such a good sleeper, I was terrified to mess with anything before bringing a newborn into the family. However, time's a tickin and we kinda need that crib...
Coles last nap in his beloved "cribby"

We talked up a big boy bed big time to him and I went out with the boys Friday morning to get them sheets for their beds. Fin was mostly fine with sharing his room with an occasional, "can't Lilah just sleep in a closet so Cole can keep his room?" thrown in there.
Bedtime came and we all clapped as we led Cole to his new room....until he snagged a right hand turn at the last minute and went to his crib. We explained to him it was big boy bed time and he just looked at us with huge confused eyes and said, "I want my cribby". Stab me. Even Fin, my tenderhearted one was all, "just put him in his crib, he wants it!!". But we put a very confused Cole down in his bed and left the room while Fin, Pat and I gathered around the video monitor that was set up in The boys room like the stalkers that we are.

Cole kept peering over the side of his bed like there were sharks on the ground or something. He never got out though, and five days later (knockonwood) he still hasn't. I don't think he knows he can get out. While naps have been a little shorter, he's doing great and seems more settled. We put him down first, he falls asleep pretty quickly and then we stick Fin in the top bunk. Because let's be honest...putting a two year old and four year old in there to fall asleep on their own at the same time is like "hello it's midnight and they're still talking!".
So now these hoodlums are roomies. And I'm still sad about Coley moving out of his crib but let's be honest, that crib will be empty for about a month before we fill it again. We are nothing if not efficient :)

1 comment:

  1. I simply CANNOT believe how much your boys have grown in the short while we've been hanging out! Love these sweet little monkeys!
