Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fins theology take 2

Yesterday we were driving home from the gym when Fin asked me, "Mom, how do people FEEL God? Because they can't see him".
I tried to keep it simple and said when you obey your mom or dad or when you are kind to your brother and that makes your tummy feel good and happy, that's God letting you know He's happy you listened and obeyed him. And when your stomach hurts a little bit when you disobey or tell a lie, that's God speaking to you too. Apparently Fin took my little "feelings" lesson and put it on a four year old level.
"So when I disobey, I feel like I do when I really need to go poop, but I don't let myself go poop so my stomach really hurts?"

(Sigh) Yes exactly. Also mental note, remind Fin to poop more often. Two birds, one stone.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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