Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Berry Pickin'

Yesterday we went strawberry picking with the normal crew. It was so much fun but amidst the fun there was lots of chasing kids, lot's of tripping and wiping out on strawberry patches, and lots of illegal strawberry eating on the sly :o)
I was a little apprehensive how Cole would do b/c he's in that fun stage where you say "Cole, come here" and he grins at you and totally sprints in the other direction. Let's just say I've been sweating a lot lately. Luckily though he plopped his little butt down on top of the strawberries and immediately proclaimed, "More?". So it worked well with Fin and I picking and whenever Cole would ask, I'd stick a strawberry in his mouth.

Ha, if Zeke sees you taking his picture he immediately  says, "No cheese!!". So cute.

Love this little girl. We're BFF.

Jess won 'Good Sport of the day'. Not many people pick strawberries at 37 weeks pregnant. She's all belly though. I'm pretty sure she'll pop Zoey out and immediately be a size 2. And then we won't be friends anymore because of that. Sad.

Fin took the picking very seriously. Only problem is if he picked a strawberry that wasn't perfect, he would throw it with no warning. Poor Zeke got a strawberry hurled right at his belly :o)

The strawberry farm was really cute with horses and goats and this grill/choo choo train. Cole could not understand why he couldn't go in the choo choo. Couldn't quite grasp the fact that it was just a grill with a propane tank. Tricky Tricky.

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