Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Randomness around our house these day...
I organized my closet and Fin decided he blended in nicely with the shirts and dresses.

This is the most common sighting with these two. They LOVE each other and sometimes love hurts, especially when Annie is hugging his neck while he's trying to run away :o)

3 stooges playing in peace. This was a moment worth recording!

Found this vase at a thrift store for 3 bucks! Love it. Sunflowers from Pat for Mothers day.

Cole worn out from Sunday School. Half of me dies from cuteness, half of me has a knot in my stomach praying this doesn't mean he'll skip his nap today.

I planted 2 hydrangea bushes on our 5 anniversary and they are blooming and gorgeous! My favorite flower. Love it.

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