Here's a before pic of the ottoman...
Here's the after...
I love it and so do they. Cole even practiced his standing skillz.
It was a fun project to do and now I wish I had something else to tackle. Probably a good thing I don't though. Better to end on a high note.
I'm loving this weather. It's such a treat to not be suffocating in heat at this time of year. We let Fin stay up tonight as we all sat on the back porch and talked about our day. Pat and Fin may or may not have done a "man date" to Happy Holly's tonight WITHOUT bringing me back any icecream. Don't you worry, it is a mistake that I'm sure will never be made again judging from my reaction. I was giving them (somewhat) pretend grief about it until Fin said to me, "I"m sorry it's all my fault mom". I had to agree with him until Pat gave me the stink eye. Just kidding, he was so sweet to apologize and I just made him promise to never let it happen again :o)
Pat enjoying his pipe on the porch. He likes to act the part and wiggle his eyebrows and act profound.
Fin likes to pretend to smoke Pat's pipe too. No joke, somedays he sits on the front porch waiting for Pat to get home pretending to smoke his pipe. What a goober.
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