Sunday, June 5, 2011

Movin' on up

This weekend we unexpectedly scored 2 new loooking carseats that someone was giving away for free. One mans trash is another mans treasure. So now we're able to have 2 carseats in Pats car and 2 in mine which is awesome because then we don't have to rock/paper/scissors which car we put the carseats in everytime we go somewhere. Things sometimes got ugly using that method. Because of this we moved Cole out of his baby carseat. To some people this is not a big deal. To me this is knife in my heart, tear inducing as it means Cole is taking one step towards toddlerhood and away from babyhood. Some of the best advice I've ever received was at Fin's baby shower where an old family friend counseled me to not mourn each new stage that comes, but instead embrace it. I try to live that way, but I'm so stinkin sentimental. I just want my boys to always be babies (but still sleep through the night) and always need me the way they do now (except when I'm trying to eat, or go to the bathroom alone, or get the mail without a parade of little friends with me). Fin was digging his new carseat Doesn't he look smug in his big boy carseat? He's taunting me like he's leaving for college or something. Little stinker. Together...yet seperate enough to not be able to mess with each other. As God intended. We took our drive with new carseats to the Y where we made the boys do sprints, squats and work on their verticals. Just because you can't crawl yet doesn't mean you can't learn to dunk. J/k but we did introduce Cole to his possible future. Cole was wondering why I would allow this. Cole trying to remind us the ball is bigger than him. Then Fin wanted to feel the rush after a dunk. It looks like he's having fun here but really he is shattering glass with his scream.
All kidding aside, we don't care what, if any, sports the boys play. It is special though for me to see Pat share his love of basketball with his sons in such a fun way. Fin loves to go "shoot hoops" with his dad and it's a neat bond they share.

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