Monday, December 5, 2011

Scooter gang

One of Fin's favorite things to do is scooter around the driveway and sidewalk. We bought him this for his birthday in August and it is easily the best.purchase.ever. He LOVES it and all the kids in the neighbor do as well. I think Santa's brining some scooters to them for Christmas :o)
Shoot, Pat and I loved scooting around on it so much ourselves that we borrowed Uncle Will's Razor Scooter so we can scoot around with him.

Pat and Fin call themselves the "scooter gang" and they go up and down the sidewalks trying tricks and racing. Of course those races end in tears if a certain three year old does not win every time. Life's hard.

Sweet boy.
I'm still pinching myself that we can play outside still in December. It was 70 today! Please God tell me that we're skipping winter this year.

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