Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Sometimes you wake up at 6:30 and from the get-go it's like whoa. And you're mantra the whole day is, "I will turn this around", and yet everything just feels out of your hands.
Sometimes your toddler cries the whole day for no reason and you take him to the doctor and pay a co-pay just to have your doctor tell you he's healthy and just being fussy.
Sometimes you feel so tired all you want to do is faceplant on your bed but highchairs trays need to be cleaned (again) and you promised yourself you'd put the laundry away today and Cole still.won't.stop.crying.
Sometimes you are guiltily happy when said child finally cries himself to sleep at naptime, only to sigh for a different reason when he wakes up 30 minutes later.
Sometimes you jsut have to call it a day, take a hot shower, eat a milky way with a shot of milk and climb into bed.
Because tomorrow WILL be better.
And you can't appreciate the sweet days without some stretching ones sprinkled in.
And Finley's taken to spontaneously kissing me on the cheek like I imagine he will when he's a 6ft+ teenager towering over me. This makes everything right.

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