The three musketeers (hoodlums?) and I ventured out to a bouncy house place today. Maybe it was my morning bowl of oatmeal, maybe it was because the house was clean and I wanted it to stay that way, but out we went full of energy. Three kids three and under and me. And we had a blast. And we got out alive.
Fin going up, Annie going down. That way they both feel like they're first :o)
Pretty much the entire morning was spent scanning the room like a laser beam looking for two blond and one curly haired heads. Or climbing up that gigantic slide with Cole on one hip and Annie on the other. Needless to say, Mama ain't going to the gym tonight.
Cole's in baby prison and he loves it, and I love it. Next birthday present potentially?
Annie figured she could better climb things if she put the ball in her mouth. If it was possible for me to pour hand sanitizer into her mouth I would have.
Ended the morning was a picnic in the living room and some Lion King. At this point all three kids eyes were glazed over as were mine. Apparently Annie got a second wind and somersaulted throughout her nap, but the boys and I conked out for a good two hour nap. When I woke up I was so confused and thought it was morning and went to get pancake mix out until I looked at the clock.
What can I say...I nap like I bounce...with zeal and passion.
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