Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Survival the only way I know how...

Oy this week is about to do me in. Nothing major, just lots of thunderstorms, lots of sleepless nights because of said storms, lots of whining babes from sleepless nights, and lots of laundry thrown into the mix. I think I'm just in a little funk.
So today I did just what the doctor ordered to perk us all up...if the doctor was an obese 300 lb man who condoned pure sugar for breakfast. We headed to Krispy Kreme.
I texted my friend who's 8 months pregnant and we were out the door by 8:30. That's what I love about preggos, you can always count on them to go along with your sugar whims.
LOVE this pic of Cole with Zeke in the background both doing the same thing. They could pass for twins.

Progression of trying to get a pic of the three kids with their hats.
Photo 1: Big brother helping little brother with his hat.

Photo 2: No really, brother. Keep the hat on.

Photo 3: I ain't havin' this mom...take it away.

We waddled away with our bellies full of warm sugary goodness and knew it was going to be a good day.

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