Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today for our Annie day we went wild and crazy and headed to Chikfila to all split warm hashbrowns and have the indoor play area to ourselves. Well, mostly to ourselves. A little girl Hannah made friends with the brood although for some reason Fin could NOT say her name. It went like this like over and over again between her and Fin...
What's your name again? Speak up!
Seriously. I was about to lose my mind listening to it until Fin just gave up and called her "Sweetie" the rest of the time. Which was pretty stinkin' cute.

Fin and Annie are an old married couple. They love each other but sometimes love is hard :o) So a moment like this, where they're not doing something weird like literally quacking at each other in their passive aggressive way, is a beautiful beautiful thing.

Cole is finally big enough to climb the equiptment by himself. He thinks he's big stuff.

When we got home, the kids had a picnic which watching Rio, which if you haven't seen it, you HAVE to. And the creators of Rio should seriously pay me something because I love that movie and tell everyone. It's so cute. And it's a fun dance movie.
The kids got inspired when the crazy monkeys started break dancing and they pulled out some moves of their own.

Cole looooooves to dance. If you tell him to dance, he gets a huge grin on his face and starts stomping in place. As soon as he saw Annie and Fin getting down, he had to join.

If you ever peek in our window and see the boys breakdancing while I try out my Zumba moves, don't laugh, don't judge, just keep walking and forget what you've seen.

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